Saturday, September 18, 2004

"You better lose yourself in the music" dixit Eminem!

"You better lose yourself in the music, the moment
You own it, you better never let it go
You only get one shot, do not miss your chance to blow
This opportunity comes once in a lifetime yo"

This hook has become so famous especially for its rythm that all young people and teens, if they don't know the whole song, at least know this part by heart...

There are times when you lose yourself to music, to a good movie, to a chat (virtual or real) with total strangers... all this I guess to shun losing yourself to melancholy, to solitude, to bitterness and to a soliloquy which makes you get so cross with your own self that at times you'd be ready to blow your "mothafuckin" body off just to get rid of that internal scolding voice! Extreme, heuh!!?? Better push it to an extreme to portray its magnitude.

Now is it true that once you own it you never let it go?? I doubt it! I guess you're more tempted to let go than to hold to anything that's precious and valuable. We waste ourselves, we waste our lives, we waste our families and we waste our love... We are a wasteful "bunchafellas"!!! So we DO miss the chance to blow.

I had it all (including the chance to blow) and wasted it all in my foolish quest for "the real thing". We don't really get to know what the real thing is; we just go wandering in the pursuit of some abstract ideal till we get so blind, so deaf and so dull we don't even see the chance of our life pass us by... THAT'S WASTE!!!

(to be continued)


At Wednesday, July 19, 2006 4:54:00 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Franchement, j'étais super surprise quand g vu l'article sur Eminem, no sérieux c grave , moi je le kiff grave ce mec d'ailleur au Lycée on me surnomé Eminem tellement g t j'aime bien ce qu'il chante (the way i am, when i'm gone me font un effet pfff grave)

At Wednesday, July 19, 2006 5:33:00 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Waw, j'avoue que j'étais surprise une fois que j'ai vue cet article, tu sais pkoi? car chui vraiment fan au dégré qu'on me surnomé au lycée EMINEM lol, j'adore ce mec enfin ce qu'il chante ( The way i am & when im gone, me font un effet grave koi)
Sinon j'adore le début de loose yourself quand il dit " Look, if you had one shot or one opportunity
To seize everything you ever wanted in one moment
Would you capture it or just let it slip ?" c'est trop fort


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