"2006 news" or "Free at last"
Hi again...
I stopped for awhile after writing the greeting above not knowing exactly what to write. So much to say, no time and no patience to write it down.
Anyway, let's be brief and get the latest news online:
This new year 2006 came with many changes as far as I'm concerned indeed. First of all, I'm now settled alone. I finally split from my family and got to live on my own, which, after all, is really a bliss. I can do whatever I please!! You know such small and futile things as sleeping during the day, listening to the radio instead of watching TV, not having a TV at home (good riddance!!), resuming some good habits I used to have and lost with the lack of concentration such as reading... now I get to read 3 to 4 books a week!!!
I also get to invite whomever I please, which was rather difficult with my family!!! Now my girlfriend can come home and feel at ease ;)
Well I gotta go right now, but I'll get back to write even more about the news of 2006...